Electric Vehicle Logistics

Lets make the most unorganized sector, Eco-friendly and organized

What we offer?
We have partnered up with a logistics company to create EV Logistics as a service platform.We cater to both B2B as well as B2C. One of the most cost effective and time effecient solutions lets you save money on both fronts. Join us for a logistics revolution in making.
How Can you join us ?

You can buy an EV L3, L5 commercial Electric vehicle and then lease it to us and generate revenue sitting at home. The revenue will be far higher than industry standards for a tenure of 5 years. This also comes under FOCO (Franchise Owned, Company Operated )model : Where you are a Franchise and we will be doing the business and generating revenue for you.

Fleet owner / Driver+Owner
We encourage existing fleet owners and individual drivers to add EV to their fleet and join us to be our official Logistics partner so that you can be connected to our on app demand as well as serve our existing clients on demand which will be giving a constant revenue source from the business.